College Tip: Books


  • Here are some things to keep in mind when shopping for books.
  • Every school has their own bookstore where students can purchase or rent books.
  • Books can be purchased or rented new or used. Renting books will be cheaper unless you ruin the book and you have to pay a fee.
  • You are allowed to write and highlight in rented books so there really is not much of a difference in renting or buying other than the price.
  • Buying or renting used books can be helpful for there may be notes already in the book. This may help you with your studies.
  • Some teachers will require you to buy or not buy certain books. I personally waited to purchase my books but there is the risk of books being out of stock.
  • You can also buy your books from other book stores such as barnes and noble or online at sites like
  • Some bookstores will buy your books back but they won’t give you much.
  • I recommend buying the books related to your major so you can refer to old books when necessary.
  • Take care of your books, write your name in them, and don’t lose them! Books can be very expensive. 

College Tip: School Supplies

School Supplies

  • I personally waited until arrival to purchase any books, notebooks, binders, etc.
  • You can definitely bring things you know you will need such as pens, paper, pencils, a stapler, glue, tape, etc.
  • I recommend you wait to see what your professors recommend you use for their class.
  • Your schools bookstore will have supplies but shopping online or in nearby stores will most likely have better prices.

Dorm Tip #15: Closet

Closet (accessories)

  • In my dorm closet I have about two dozen hangers. Since there is limited room in the dresser I keep most shirts and jackets on hangers.
  • Depending on your school, closet sizes may differ, so it is important to look at the sizes of closets on your visit to the school.
  • To keep your closet organized I recommend using the shelves, a shoe organizer that hangs from the door or on a bar, and any baskets or Tupperware.

Dorm Tip #14: College Furniture

Dresser (accessories)

  • Most college dressers that are provided with the room don’t have much space. For instance this is my dresser at CUA; it has three drawers, which doesn’t hold all of my clothes.
  • There are other ways to store clothes. You can keep them in storage bins or bags or your closet.
  • Pictured next to my bed is my dresser provided by CUA.


Desk (accessories)

  • Desk lamp.
  • Calendar to stay on top of your schedule. Mark due dates for projects, papers, and tests.
  • There are a few drawers in a desk. I tend to keep my chargers and electronics in one and books and school supplies in another.
  • If you intend on spending a lot of time at your desk doing homework, keep it clean and organized. Many people spend their time doing homework in the school library. It is sometimes hard to concentrate in your room.
  • Pictured is my college desk provided by CUA.


Dorm Tip #13: Bed

Bed (accessories)

  • Bring multiple pairs of sheets and blankets. Try to wash and change your sheets often to avoid getting sick.
  • Invest in a nice comforter if you plan on using the same one for yeas to come.
  • Bring an extra long mattress topper. College beds are not comfortable but a mattress topper provides much support.
  • A mattress cover will also keep you safe from bed bugs and allergens.
  • For back support I recommend a backrest pillow for late night reading or homework where you must sit up.
  • Check with your school about bringing bed risers but if your bed is not adjustable you may want to have these. you place them under each of the bed’s legs. This allows for more storage room under your bed.
  • In most cases, you can stack beds which give you more space in your room.
  • Pictured is a standard, adjustable dorm bed.



Dorm Tip #12: Keeping Your Room Clean


  • Keeping a clean room may be a difficult task at first in college. Keeping your room clean will definitely make it easier to function, work, or move around in your room.
  • Either bring or purchase a small broom and dustpan, a handheld vacuum, disinfecting wipes or products, paper towels, and any cleaning products you may prefer.
  • Keep all plastic bags and use as trash bags in a small garbage can for your room. You can make trips to the trash room in your building as needed.
  • Pictured is my dorm closet door: Hanging are two brooms (on command strips)


College Tip: Transportation


  • Most colleges don’t permit freshman to have cars on campus.
  • Be aware of the types of transportation near your school
  • Most schools have a shuttle bus that runs on a schedule around the entire campus.
  • Research any trains, taxis, and buses near your campus in case you need to go somewhere that isn’t walking distance. 

Dorm Tip #11: Accessories


  • Make you room feel more like a living environment instead of an empty cell; spruce up the place.
  • Bring posters to hang on your walls, flags, fatheads, and any decorations you think will be necessary.
  • I personally brought things such as a mini basketball hoop to hang on my door, mini hockey for the hallways, Xbox 360, and more.
  • If you are rooming with someone else, make sure the accessories you are bringing are fine with your roommate as well.
  • Know your schools policies and don’t break any guidelines for it may have repercussions.
  • If you are into music, bring an instrument. I recently purchased a guitar and play in my free time.
  • If you are into sports, bring a soccer ball, Frisbee, basketball, or any sport equipment.
  • Beanbag chairs and foldable chairs are convenient when you have people in your dorm. I highly recommend them if you intend on hosting friends and classmates.
  • Cork board and white boards are very convenient to have. Write messages or reminders on your white board and leave it on your door.
  • One of the most useful accessories I use is command hooks. You can hang things from keys, to clothes, to hats on them. There is always a use for them.



Dorm Tip #10: Clothing


  • Invest time into knowing the temperatures all year round at your school. Pack for warm and cold weather, especially if you aren’t going to be going home frequently.
  •  You dorm is you new temporary home so make sure you have everything you could possibly need. When you arrive, if you realize something doesn’t have utility or there isn’t room for it then you can always send it back home.
  • One thing to keep in mind is not to over pack, if there are things you usually don’t wear at home, you probably wont wear them at school. There are many things that I have brought and just create clutter.
  • Standard dorm rooms are usually not big, so minimize the space you take up.
  • Forgetting things at home can be a hassle to retrieve the further from home you are. So make sure you have everything you NEED before you leave.

Dorm Tip #9: Electronics

Electronics: Here are some of the electronics I have found important or useful at school.

  • Fan/Heater: If your dorm doesn’t have central air or heat you should be equipped to keep your room cool in the warm weather and warm in the cold weather.
  • TV/Video Games: This isn’t necessary but there is plenty of down to at school. And it is always nice to take a break and play some games or watch TV.
  • Fridge: This is very important if you want to keep food or drinks in your dorm.
  • Microwave: Although you may have a meal plan you probably wont want to eat in the cafeteria all the time.  Microwavable meals and snacks are great to keep around when you are in a time crunch.
  • Computer: I recommend a laptop over a desktop. It is more convenient and you may need to bring it to some classes. Make sure you also have all applications such as Microsoft installed before classes start. Most classes will require these products.
  • Chargers: Don’t forget any chargers at home! You don’t want to drive hours out to school and find out you cant charge your phone until you buy a new charger.